Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rave Reviews (Part 2)

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A friend and loyal reader suggested I allow readers to comment on my blog. While I don't have a problem with people praising my creative genius, I am hesitant to allow critics to shatter my fragile ego. However, for the sake of interaction, mixing it up with my readers, yada yada yada, this marks the new home of Grey Matters, where you can tell me how wonderful you think I am.
Let's keep it nice, okay?

As I announced last week, my novel, Profile, was released on Monday, July 14. And the reviews just keep pouring in.

Mark Twain took some time out from his lecture tour to give his impressions of Arden Chase, Profile’s protagonist:

Arden Chase is a man after my own heart, some one unafraid of speaking his mind, even though sometimes it gets him a kick in the hindquarters. That some of those kicks come from his very own foot is, I think, a credit to the man, not the least because he’s flexible enough to deliver them, but also because he’s honorable enough to admit that he deserves them. Now before you get yourself all bent out of shape, I never said he was honorable. Just honorable enough.
Truman Capote, out for a night on the town, and looking fabulous, I might add, had this to say:

I find myself drawn into Arden Chase’s world, including his darling house built in the middle of the last century and facing proudly toward the mountains. Cyndi, the girl next door, well she’s not my cup of tea, but she sure did it for him. All sweet and hot, sugar syrup and Tabasco Sauce.

Charlotte Brontë, a tiny, quiet woman with an intense gaze, looked into Arden’s soul and predicament, and rendered this review:

Profile, I will quite freely confess, took me by surprise. Admittedly, Mr. Chase is rather a soundrel, though one in whose company one might feel comfortable. And indeed I did. Curled up in a window seat, the velvet draperies pushed to either side only to allow the pages to be illumined, I ignored all happenings on the other side of the panes. I remained, instead, transfixed to the story unfolding in the book, not putting it down until I reached the satisfying conclusion.
Charles Dickens is another fan. I met Chuck in the orphanage, growing up back in the hood. Even then, he had great expectations for me, though influence regarding hair style left something to be desired. I have to say, though, that he has fine taste in literature:

He was the best of men, he was the worst of men. Aye, I have spoke similar words before, and yet I utter them here in description of Arden Chase, a kind, sarcastic, loving, irritable, good-natured fellow. But a man whose lot in life, sadly, has led him to consort with fallen women. Although in this way, he does not make the best use of his time, or of his influence, he does indeed present a tale both ominous and engaging. For though he is in possession of a rather pleasing countenance, one which, if used properly, might advance him in the right circles, he avails himself of little wisdom and exercises rather poor judgment. Witnessing his attempts to navigate safely through the consequences of his actions gives one a terrible turn, yet they are a joy to behold.
Oscar Wilde was happy to offer his insight on Profile:

I was, I must admit, irritated at first when asked to read Profile and give my comments. It was not the giving of comments that irritated me, for nothing pleases me more than administering a liberal dose of my opinion. It was, rather, the interruption of my leisurely study and critique of my neighbours which caused my consternation. And the fact that said interruption was to read a book? I could scarcely abide the thought of doing anything of such an intellectual nature until I quite happily realised that it would involve a few hours of blissful inactivity.

And thus I am happy to report that my idle time resulted in my making a new literary friend. Arden Chase proved to be a man of extraordinary character, and I mean that in the most wonderfully nefarious way. His affiliation with members of the so-called weaker sex proved them to be, actually, quite the opposite.

I shall not deign to reveal the outcome of his communion, for that would withhold from you, the reader, the very joy of being you, the reader. Buy the book, spend some hours of blissful inactivity, and see if you do not, in fact, agree completely with my altogether knowledgeable assessment. 

Profile is currently available at Amazon for the Kindle, at Barnes and Noble for the Nook, and at Kobo for various other devices. (If you're waiting for the print version, wait a bit. It won't be long.)